Investor Resources

Private Real Estate for Individual Investors


Why Invest in Private Real Estate?

Equity investments in real estate offer numerous advantages within a thoughtfully structured investment portfolio. They provide a reliable source of current income, act as a hedge against inflation, offer diversification benefits, present tax advantages, and potentially deliver an attractive total return. Understanding the significance and hierarchy of these benefits is crucial as it forms the foundation for building a successful investment portfolio that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Capital in real estate originates from a diverse range of sources. It includes long-term investors who acquire and retain properties for extended periods, pension funds that allocate funds into real estate to generate income, and investors who view real estate as an alternative for fixed income, particularly in environments characterized by low interest rates. This mix of funding sources contributes to the financial underpinning of the real estate market, shaping its dynamics and investment landscape.


Current Income

The dominant share of capital in real estate is predominantly attracted by its ability to generate a consistent and stable income stream. Average annual yields for private real estate have been historically higher than other asset classes, including public REITs and fixed income.

This steady income stream is a direct result of leasing property to tenants, whether residential or commercial. These leases provide investors with a consistent source of income that is less volatile compared to other investment types. The nature of this income is generally resilient to economic fluctuations, making it an attractive option for those seeking stability in their investment returns. Furthermore, as property values and rental rates tend to increase over time, particularly in well-located areas, investors potentially benefit from gradual income growth, further enhancing the investment’s stability and attractiveness.


Inflationary Hedge

Real estate income streams have the potential to grow over time as market rents grow, often outpacing inflation and contributing to real assets’ strong performance in periods of high inflation. The effectiveness of the hedge is often critiqued, but can be boiled down to an asset’s ability to capitalize on the inflationary benefits quickly by adjusting rental rates to market values. Said differently, assets with long duration leases such as office buildings are more susceptible to inflationary pressures than assets with short term revenue contracts such as hospitality or residential assets.

Real estate’s significance in a well-balanced portfolio waned during prolonged periods of low inflation but is poised to play a more pivotal role amidst higher inflation. It can serve as a shield against inflationary jolts beyond typical CPI adjustments. While most equity investments, including real estate, generally track with CPI, real estate has historically excelled. It stands out as one of the few asset classes offering resilience against inflationary impacts.

While commercial real estate may have its vulnerabilities, its inherent qualities, coupled with strategic management, can significantly mitigate inflationary pressures, affirming its role as an essential component of a diversified investment portfolio.



Private real estate investments have shown historically lower correlation with traditional asset classes like public equities and fixed income securities. This unique characteristic can offer diversification benefits to investment portfolios, potentially reducing overall risk exposure and enhancing long-term returns for investors.

Moreover, within the private real estate sector, there are various sub-sectors and strategies that can further diversify an investor’s portfolio. These include core assets, value-add opportunities, and opportunistic investments. By allocating to different types of real estate investments, investors can potentially further reduce their overall risk exposure and potentially enhance returns.


Tax Benefits

Investing in private real estate can provide tax benefits like depreciation, interest deductions, operating expenses write-offs, pass-through taxation, favorable capital gains treatment, 1031 exchanges, and tax credits. These tax advantages have the potential to decrease an investor’s tax obligations while boosting their after-tax profits, offering a distinctive advantage of owning private market real estate.


Attractive Total Return

Investors opt for real estate due to its potential to yield favorable returns compared to other asset classes, either in absolute terms or on a risk-adjusted basis. The inefficiency of real estate markets is often a significant draw for these investors. Real estate assets lack fungibility, with each property being unique. Transactions primarily occur on a one-off basis, frequently through limited auctions, and may involve non-institutional owners and operators. Because of these inconsistencies, the opportunity to create value often exists. Investors may seek impaired or distressed situations for higher return potential, or may choose a lower risk profile by targeting assets that could benefit from additional capital improvements or new management. The unique nature of each individual property, market, and location complicates pricing, presenting opportunities for managers with extensive networks, expertise, and experience to achieve appealing total returns.

Given the inherent characteristics and inefficiencies within the real estate market, a significant opportunity exists to outperform the broader market with a diversified allocation to private market real estate. Investors who are able to capitalize on these inefficiencies, either through direct investments or partnerships with experienced managers, can potentially achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns. This strategic approach to real estate investment enhances portfolio diversification, tapping into the benefits of both yield enhancement and risk mitigation, thereby laying the foundation for a more robust investment portfolio.

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Hughes Capital Partners helps clients navigate the complex world of private real estate investment. With a track record of effectively identifying risks and opportunities, we offer valuable insights to guide informed investment decisions. Our proactive, hands-on investment approach enables us to adapt to the dynamic landscape and deliver actionable strategies to help you reach your financial objectives. Connect with our team to learn more.

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